Monday, June 16, 2008

Episode 7 - Scarlet-Colored Labyrinth

Here is VK 7…

In this episode, we travel back to the past…

Kaname brought Yuuki to Chairman Cross after he saved her from the vampire. But Yuuki still had the fear of vampire and flinched when she saw Kaname’s fangs. But slowly she opened up to Kaname and looked forward to his visit.

Then, a new member joined in her life. Chairman Cross brought Zero home after a pureblood vampire attacked Zero’s family. Yuuki then comforted Zero when he tried to erase the touch of the pureblood vampire on him.

Shortly after, Zero met with Kaname. Zero tried to kill Kaname but was easily stopped. It seems that Zero’s hatred for vampires did not stop. He then tried to change Chairman Cross’ mind about having the Night Class in the school but failed.

One day at school, Yuuki decided to go to the Night Class’ dormitory to look for Kaname. But she fell asleep while waiting. When she awoken, she saw Kaname sucking blood from another vampire. The sight traumatized Yuuki a lot and she ran away.

Back to the present, Kaname told Zero why he still let him lived despite the fact that Zero was a danger to Yuuki.

FatedStarz Signing off...
...Kaname laughing!!! *kyaaa!!!*...

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