Monday, June 16, 2008

Episode 20 - Na! My Brother Who Returned!!

I bring to you episode 20 of KR…

Kirari’s big brother, Subaru, came back to town from America, where he was studying to become an idol.

He was shocked and jealous when he realized that Kirari had already become an idol. He then messed up Kirari’s schedule and pretended to be her and went for the interview.

At home, Kirari was busy making a crown for her precious brother until she saw her brother acting as her in the live broadcast. She then went down to catch her brother but instead she was accidentally drenched by cold water, causing her to have a fever.

Subaru was very guilty when he indirectly caused Kirari to fall sick. He was more depressed when he saw the crown made by Kirari.

He then decided to help Kirari complete her work for the next day. However, there was a big problem: He could not sing Kirari’s songs. When he realized that, it was already too late as he was standing in front of a huge audience.

He then gave an excuse that he was sick, which was quite true since Kirari was sick. He was touched when he saw how much care and concern the audience showered on Kirari.

Shortly after, Subaru left for America again but not before apologizing to Kirari for all the trouble he caused.

FatedStarz Signing off... brother, like sister...

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