Monday, June 16, 2008

Episode 27 - Hypno’s Naptime

Here is episode 27 of Pokemon…

After defeating Erika, the team arrived at a new city when they heard of news of children going missing.

When they decided to help Officer Jenny investigate, they found out that the Pokemon in the Centre were all tired.

Suddenly, Officer Jenny detected some sleep waves emitting from outside. There sleep waves caused Pikachu to be tired too.

They then traced the waves to the top of a building. They then found out the source was actually Hypno. Misty decided to try out its hypnotic powers and got hypnotized.

She then ran off with the rest following closely. They then found out that the children being exposed to the waves thought they were Pokemon.

One of the Pokemon Lovers club members suggested that they used Drowzee’s powers to awaken the children. The idea worked.

Just when they were about to rescue the other children, Team Rocket barged in and demanded the two hypnosis Pokemons. Luckily, Ash was able to get rid of them.

In the end, all the children recovered and were reunited with their parents.

FatedStarz Signing off...
...thats cute...

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