Monday, June 16, 2008

Episode 6 - Their Choice

I bring to you episode 6 of VK…

Yuuki protected Zero from Yagari-sensei and just then Chairman Cross came and put away Yagari’s gun. Cross then ordered Yuuki to return to her room and told her not to worry.

Back in her room, Yuuki could not stop worrying about Zero and his chances of becoming a Level E.

The next day, Zero did not show up at school, leading Yuuki to suspect Yagari-sensei. She then confronted him and demanded him to tell her Zero’s location.

Yagari then brushed her off as he made his way to teach the Night Class. The Night Class did not welcome the presence of Yagari and even sent him a gift: A flying dagger.

As Yagari exited the classroom, he was surprised to see Yuuki waiting for him. He then finally gave her Zero’s location.

Zero then told her about his past with Yagari-sensei and how sensei had protected him.

Yuuki then finally made up her mind and willingly gave blood to Zero. At first Zero refused, but he could give up the offer.

It was implied that Kaname knew Yuuki gave her blood to Zero but he did not do anything about it.

The next day, Zero did not show up at school again. Yuuki then realized her mistake of leaving Zero alone. She then rushed up to find Yagari pointing a gun at Zero.

Yuuki screamed and Zero finally awoken from his trance and stop Yagari from shooting him. Just before Yagari left, he told Zero to continue to live his life to the fullest and not give up. He then told Yuuki that if Zero really lost control, she would have to stop him then.

At the end, Zero promised Yuuki that he would never run away again.

FatedStarz Signing off...
...can you the small blush on his face?...

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