Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Episode 2 - Japan Independence Plan

Here we have episode 2 of CG2…

Finally Zero was back! They continued to take over the Tower of Babel easily under Zero’s orders. Zero also revealed what happened to him and Suzaku at the last season. How could Suzaku betray Zero!!! (*angry!!*)

Meanwhile, the Britannian King brought Suzaku to a place where no one except the King had stepped in before. The place that held the weapon that could destroy Gods: Sword of Akasha.

After that Kallen confronted Zero, no I meant Lelouch. Lelouch then managed to convince Kallen about who she was following now.

Just as Zero’s prediction, more Britannian army backup came under the direct orders of Governor Calares. What he did not expect was a prototype machine based on Lancelot to start eliminating his troops easily.

Captain Urabe sacrificed himself to save Lelouch from that machine. Just then, Lelouch activated all the bombs planted in the tower and “commited suicide”. However, only the Britannian Army was destroyed together with Governor Calares.

Zero, with the help of the Chinese Federation, then made an announcement throughout the country, notifying the people that he was back.

In the end, it was shown that Rolo was the pilot of the machine that tried to kill Lelouch. What does the fake brother want? Lelouch’s life…

FatedStarz Signing off...
...Rolo and his Geass...

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