Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Episode 3 - The Academy of Imprisonment

Episode 3 of CG2…

Just when Rolo was about to activate his Geass, he received a call from Lelouch and was shocked when he heard that Lelouch was in school and not the one that was giving the speech. In fact the Zero that was giving the speech as C.C.

At school, Lelouch contemplated about what happened to Nunnally. Meanwhile, Rolo was shown to be a spy for Britannia to watch over Lelouch. Somewhere, a war was happening. However when Suzaku came, he eliminated all the enemies. It was also shown that he had become the Knight of Seven. (that traitor!!!)

Once again back to the school, Lelouch was looking through the photo albums when Rolo came. They had suspicion about each other but did not show it. When Lelouch tried to change Rolo’s birthday present to something more manly, Rolo rejected violently. Seems like Rolo was quite attached to the present Lelouch gave him.

When Rolo gave Viletta his report on Lelouch, an officer suddenly interrupted them. Rolo then used his Geass to stop time and killed the officer instantly. It was implied that he killed lots of people already.

Britannia finally made her move: Luring Zero out by threatening to kill his comrades from the war in the last season. Just then, Shirley barged in and complained about her problems. Lelouch then offered Shirley to accompany her to buy Miss Viletta her birthday present, knowing that people would surely follow him.

After buying the present, Lelouch told Shirley that they were being followed. He then suggested a plan and asked Shirley to help him. After successfully manipulate Shirley to help him, Lelouch set his real plan to work: Create Panic!!!

He then managed to lure Rolo out and put a gun to Rolo's head. When Lelouch tried to activate his Geass, Rolo activated his first and turned the situation around.

FatedStarz Signing off...
...see the slight blush on Shirley when she looked at Lelouch's face (*kyaaa..so cute!!*)

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