Monday, June 9, 2008

Episode 19 - Creepy! The Charged Report of Fear

I bring to you episode 19 of KR…

In this episode, Kirari had to act in a film together with Erina. But then they found out that they would have to stay in an old “haunted” hotel. Furthermore, Arashi popped out too.

When they were filming, strange things started happening. The hotel’s owner thus had no choice but to tell the truth about the haunted hotel.

Kirari then decided to change the film from just “a friendship between two girls” to “seek out the ghost”.

However, halfway through the ghost hunting, Erina fell off a cliff and Kirari separated from the group to find Erina.

The filming crew and Arashi rushed back to find help. Rushing back to the hotel, they met with SHIPS.

Meanwhile, with Naa-san’s guide, Kirari managed to find Erina. Erina was a little touched when Kirari helped her. SHIPS then rescued them.

However, Erina’s over-competitiveness came back when a mysterious fog started appearing. They traced it to find Takada producer in a hot spring.

However the strange occurrences in the hotel were not solved. Who were the culprits? It seems like the last three owners of the hotel couldn’t let go of it and came back to visit.

FatedStarz Signing off...
...he sure has his cute moments...

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