Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Episode 52 – My dear Gash! I am Patie

I bring to you episode 52 of Gash Bell…

In this episode, Kiyo was having his school “Olympics”. Since he had been through so many battles with Gash, his physical strength naturally increased, thus enabling him to break the school record easily. His 3 other male friends were then jealous of him and challenged him to a competition with their lunch as the stake.

While the boys were happily playing, a new mamado comes to town. She was very obsessed with Gash and wanted to “reunite” with him again.

However when Gash claimed that he never saw her before, she started going crazy and chased Gash to Kiyo’s school. Just when Kiyo was about to explain the misunderstanding, Gash’s outburst spoiled it all. This made Patie very mad and began attacking Gash with her ability: Water. Since her ability can absorb Gash’s lightning, Kiyo and Gash had difficulty fighting her and her partner.

FatedStarz Signing off...

Split Personality...

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