Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Episode 53 – Goddamn!! The Vengeful Water Dragon

I bring to you episode 53 of gash bell…

We continue the fight with Patie from last episode. Having difficulty fighting Patie, Kiyo encouraged Gash to say sorry to Patie. However, Gash messed up, making Patie more angry.

Left with no choice, Kiyo and Gash used their most powerful spell to crush Patie. Just when they were about to defeat Patie, a weird frog-mamado popped out to help Patie. However, he failed and the both of them got defeated.

Ururu then quickly carried the two of them and escaped. Seems like the frog-mamado was sent by Lord to recruit Patie to her army. To show her might, Lord then released the trapped mamados from the fight a thousand years ago. Patie awed by her power decided to join Lord to get revenge on Gash. Their motive: Obliterate all remaining mamados.

FatedStarz Signing off...
...Lightning vs Water, Who will win?...

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