Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Episode 51 – Under heavy attack!! The masked devil, Lord

This is episode 51 of Gash Bell. They have finally changed the opening song. Great! I was getting bored for listening the first opening song for 50 times… Okay on with the summary…

In this episode, Sherry and Brago stated that all the weaker mamados were finally defeated.

There was also a new evil mamado. She and her partner gathered all the strange tablets together. Although nothing was told about what they were going to do, they were definitely up to no good. They then sent an invitation through Suzume to invite Kiyo and Gash to their party.

At the party, they proposed the idea of teaming up but Kiyo and Gash strongly rejected after seeing how they treated their “comrades”.

Disappointed, the evil mamado, Lord, left the party, leaving the rest to the mamados that she controlled. In the end, Kiyo and Gash were able to save the controlled human from Lord’s evil clutches.

It was also implied that there might be a link between Sherry and Lord’s human partner.

FatedStarz Signing off...

...remember them from one of the earlier episodes long time ago?...

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