Sunday, June 15, 2008

Episode 3 - Fang of Repentance

I bring to you VK 3…

Dorm Inspection was here. Zero and Yuuki were sent on a mission to clear all sorts of suspicious things in the Day and Night classes’ dormitories.

The Day Class was horrified when Yuuki and Zero confiscated all the photos of the Night Class.

It was worst for Aidou when Kaname ordered him to throw out all of his precious junk.

Just when Zero and Yuuki were going to check on the Night Class, Yuuki forced Zero to show her what he had hidden, thus making Zero angry and ran off.

Guilty, Yuuki followed Zero to town but soon lost sight of him. Just then, her nightmares of her past resurfaced again as she sat alone on the bench.

Soon, Yuuki caught sight of a strange little boy and followed him. However, she did not know the boy was a vampire, a Level E to be exact. And she was ambushed by the boy and another Level E vampire.

Zero heard Yuuki’s cries and quickly went to her location where he fired and killed one of the vampires. However, the little boy jumped onto the top of the tower and attacked Yuuki.

Unable to fend for herself, Yuuki was in serious danger. Luckily, Kaname arrived and saved her as he known that Zero would submit to his blood crave if he got too close to the bleeding Yuuki.

Back in school, Kaname had a talk with the headmaster about Zero.

Meanwhile, Yuuki found Zero sitting alone. She then discovered that Zero was a vampire when he bit her and sucked her blood.
FatedStarz Signing off...
...a 'caught guilty' Aidou...

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