Sunday, June 15, 2008

Episode 2 - Memories of Blood

Here is episode 2 of VK…

Valentines Day was coming and the girls of Day Class were looking forward to it. They could finally express their love to the Night Class.

With an overwhelming increase of enthusiasm from the Day Class, the two academy guardians, Yuuki and Zero, had to be more alert.

Yuuki also suspect that there was something wrong between Zero and Kaname.

Furthermore, Zero’s crave for blood was getting stronger but he still refused to consume the blood tablets.

Finally, the day was here. All the girls got the chance to give chocolates to the Night Class. Yuuki managed to give hers as well but with a little help from Zero.

Once the event was over, Zero was suddenly struck with his blood crave and ran off before he could do any harm. Then he was confronted with some of the Night Class and they provoked him to a fight, which he readily accepted. Luckily, Yuuki arrived in time to stop them.

Once back to her dormitory, Yuuki sought out Zero and gave him one of her hand-made chocolate. When Zero left, Yuuki accidentally found one of Zero’s blood tablet.

Meanwhile, the group of Night Class that sneaked out to find Zero was being reprimanded by Kaname. It was then showed that Zero’s blood crave was getting more serious.

FatedStarz Signing off...
...that's a very strong aura...

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