Thursday, May 29, 2008

Episode 9 – The Strongest Group of Ninjas: The Horrible Oniwaban Group

I bring to you episode 9 of Kenshin…

In this episode, Megumi finally revealed her past to the rest. Kenshin and Kaoru accepted her but Sano still had his doubts since the opium Megumi made killed his friend.

After that, Kanryu sent her threat that he would harm her friends if she did not listen to him. Left with no choice, Megumi bade a silent goodbye through a letter to Kenshin and Kaoru and left to find Kanryu.

Luckily, just before she returned back to Kanryu, Sano stopped her. But they were once again attacked by another Oniwaban member, Shikijou. Although with some difficulty, Sano managed to defeat him. However, when he was busy fighting Shikijou, Beshimi took the chance to captured Megumi and brought her back to the mansion before Kenshin could stop him.

In the end, Kenshin, Yahiko, Kaoru and Sano decided to save Megumi out of Kanryu’s evil clutches.

FatedStarz Signing off...

...don't they look like siblings? =P...

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