Thursday, May 29, 2008

Episode 8 – A New Battle! The Mysterious Beauty from Nowhere

Hey! This is episode 8 of Kenshin…Enjoy!

When Sano was gambling with the help of a reluctant Kenshin, they were suddenly interrupted by the appearance of a beautiful woman, Megumi Takani.

Apparently she was being chased by a bunch of guys sent by a rich entrepreneur, Kranyu Takeda. Sano and Kenshin easily got rid of those men and brought Megumi back to the dojo.

Kaoru, jealous, began hitting Kenshin and getting worried for no reason. Megumi then told Kenshin about her situation but completely leaving out why she was being chased.

It was only known that Megumi was precious to Kranyu and he sent not only his guards but the Oniwaban, led by Aoshi Shinomori, too.

Just then, one of the members of the Oniwaban, Hyottoko, barged into the dojo, demanding Megumi.

Seeing that they could not defeat the Oniwaban, Megumi decided to escape. Kaoru then spoke out that they were trying to help Megumi so she should be more grateful. Then,Sano, with some help from Kenshin, defeated the fire-breathing man.

Just when everything was about to be over, Beshimi shot a poison dart to Megumi, which was blocked by Yahiko. Thus, Yahiko got poisoned instead. Kenshin, enraged, was about to get rid of Beshimi, but he was saved by a masked guy, which Kenshin claimed good.

Seeing that the situation was grave, Megumi started barking orders for them to start to help Yahiko. But as she was doing so, Sano noticed she dropped some strange objects that was opium.
It looks like that Megumi was not as innocent as she seems.

FatedStarz Signing off...

...a tearful and cute Kaoru...

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