Thursday, May 8, 2008

Episode 1 - The Day the Demon Awakens

Hey here’s the first episode of Code Geass R2, enjoy! This is titled The Day the Demon Awakens.
The episode started off with a brief summary of what happened during the first season. After the rebellion was over, most of the Black Knights were captured. Zero was no where to be found and labeled “dead”

After that, we entered a peaceful scene where no fighting occurred. Surprisingly, C.C was piloting an airship (oh man, why isn’t she dead?…) with the remaining members of Black Knight plotting to destroy something. (We’ll will find out later what they were plotting ^^)

After that, we watched Lelouch being chased by a teacher around the school. For what reason? Apparently he hated physical exercise and decided to skip out of it, enraging his teacher. While using Rivalz as the bait, he rode off with Rolo, supposedly was Lelouch’s brother, in the bike. (ok.. don’t u guys find it creepy that suddenly a brother of Lelouch pops out without anything being mentioned about him in the first season…I think something sinister is going on here. Well, maybe I’m too paranoid…)
After the opening theme, we see Lelouch and Rolo on the road with Lelouch trying to feed Rolo. (ooo…that’s cute, even though I’m suspicious of Rolo ^^) Furthermore, we heard about Lelouch thinking about Zero and the rebellion. That’s not strange. The strange part was that he was narrating like a third person point of view, as if he was not involved. (are they hinting something here?)

After that, there were a few cutscenes of how the Elevens are treated badly now. (stupid Britannians!!!) Even brothers were forced to fight each other for the Britannians’ entertainment. Rolo and Lelouch were disgusted by it. It was also showed that Lelouch and Rolo were quite close too. (where is Nunnally anyway?)

Then the two brothers bumped into Kallen, who was working as a bunny girl waitress. (eh?!!!!) Lelouch as “kind-hearted” as he was, did not blamed Kallen for spilling drinks all over him. However, a damm ugly man, who called himself a Britannian mafia, grabbed her roughly and was almost forced to be his “prostitute”. Luckily, Lelouch came to her rescue by challenging the ugly man to a chess match. (go Lelouch!!! Win him intellectually!!!!)

Next, came out the Black Knights caught by the Britannian’s army. It was showed that they had different opinion of Zero, some blaming him and some sadden by the news of Zero’s death.

We find ourselves back to Lelouch winning the chess game with the Black King. However, the devious ugly man claimed that Lelouch cheated, took out his gun and threaten Lelouch. (damm that guy!!)

Suddenly, the building shakes violently. Kallen took the chance to attack the mafia man. (you go girl!!) And the airship that C.C was piloting in the beginning of the episode started firing at the building. Thus, the ambush of the Elevens on the Britannians started. Several Knightmares started to descend onto the building. Chaos erupted everywhere and innocent people were killed, regardless of race. Lelouch found himself pulled running with Kallen and Rolo following behind him. However, halfway through Lelouch and Rolo separated from Kallen. Somewhere in the building, the Britannians started to fight back.

After the small break, we find ourselves looking at a very pale man (is that make-up?) and his guard (ooo…), who were representing the Chinese Federation. They had a little talk about Zero. (he sure is popular…lolz)

After that, we fund ourselves back to the chaotic building, people were killed everywhere. It was a brutal sight. The Elevens started to send in back up after Kallen lost Lelouch.

Lelouch and Rolo were running to escape when a Knightmare stopped in front of them, holding out its arm as if asking Lelouch to get on. When the Britannian army came and started shooting crazily, the Knightmare protected Lelouch and Rolo. Somewhere else in the building, Kallen prepared for battle.

Lelouch and Rolo found themselves in a warehouse (I think…) after running for a long time. Lelouch was puzzled by the Knightmare that he met just now. Then, Lelouch promised to get Rolo and himself out safely. Suddenly, Lelouch jumped in front of Rolo to prevent him from getting shot and fell down the building. (ahh…stupid guy with gun…spoil the mood!!!)

Somewhere, back in school, it was showed that Shirley still have feelings Lelouch. (^^)

Luckily, Lelouch didn’t die from the fall. (which anime's main character will die at the start of the series anyway…-.-“) Lelouch worried about Rolo and ran up to find him. However, what greeted him was a ground full of dead people. Lelouch was appalled.

Then, he find himself face to face with C.C. (so she decided to come back huh…) She told Lelouch she was an ally and came to save him. Lelouch tempted to find out who he really was, walked towards C.C. However, she was shot by the Britannians. (like she will ever die…)

Then the Britannians soldiers said that they were watching Lelouch for a very long time (stalkers!!!) and he was just a bait to lure C.C out. When Lelouch was about to be shot by them, C.C suddenly kissed him (u kiss-stealer!!!!), making him remember everything about his power and his days as Zero. (who make him forget anyway???) After remembering, he used his Geass to kill the soldiers. (isn’t this the repeat of first ep of Code Geass Season 1…^^)

Then a whole bunch of Knightmares came to get Lelouch, no I meant Zero. It seems that the Britannians are going to get lots of problems from now on. At the end of the episode, it was showed that Suzaku was currently serving under the Britannian’s king.

That’s the end of Episode 1 of Code Geass R2.

FatedStarz Signing off...
...a pretty Lelouch...

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