Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Episode 1 - Night of the Vampires

Here’s first episode of Vampire Knights…Night of the Vampires

We start off with Yuki being chased by a crazy vampire, who was then destroyed by Kaname. (You’re so damm cool!!!) That was the earliest memory she Yuki could remember and the first day she met Kaname.

10 years later, Yuki is the prefect, protecting the Day class from the Night class, without revealing the real identity of the Night class. But it looks like Yuki is trying to protect the Night class from the Day class instead. With all the screaming fan girls for the respective vampires, it’s no wonder she has a hard time controlling them. (I don’t blame the girls, I will also be one of them if there is a “Night Class” in my school^^)

Now out come Hanabusa Aido, who, as always, flirting with the Day class girls. Of course, Kaname and Akatsuki Kain, Aido’s cousin, has their fair share of fan girls’ squeal too.

It was also shown in this episode, Yuki has a very obvious crush on Kaname and Kaname seems to like Yuki too. With all the ruffling of hair and caressing of cheek, it’s either Kaname has a perverted mind or he likes Yuki very much. Of course, that moment was broken by my favourite character, (drum roll please…………………) Zero Kiryu!!! He took Kaname’s hand off Yuki and sort of glared at him. (I think…) Kaname took the hint and left for class, with the rest of the Night class following.

After the vampires left, Yuki and Zero has a little lover’s squabble. (or that’s what I’m going to describe it if I can change the anime script…which obviously I can’t *sobz*)

A little more info about why the Night class is formed. They are an experimental class, who is testing newly developed blood tablets that was acknowledge across the world.

Back in the headmaster office, Zero tries to shun off his duty of protecting the vampires, while insulting Yuki in the process. However, the headmaster, Kaien, rejects the idea, emphasizing on the point where the vampires’ identity must be kept a secret. And it seems like Kaien has a little obsession with his “loving son and daughter” (lolz)

After the negotiation has failed, Zero went out. He suddenly has a urge to drink blood and took out the blood tablets. (first sign in the anime that shows Zero is a vampire)

After the chat with her “father”, Yuki decides to patrol around the area and met Kaname and Takuma. She blushed after seeing Kaname and ran off.

Then, she catch two students sneaking around. Unfortunately, Aido and Kain catch the sense of blood and come to the scene. Yuki thinks it is the girl’s wound who attracted Aido, but it is actually hers. When Aido tries to drink her blood, Zero comes to the rescue. (is he telepathic or is he a stalker??..lolz..Baka…I shouldn’t have insulted my favourite character *takes a mallet and start hitting myself*)

He took out his Bloody Rose and almost shoot Aido. Aido was stunned. Fortunately, Kaname comes to the rescue and Zero backs off. Kaname apologises to Yuki, erases the two girls’ memories and leads the two vampires off.

Back at the dormroom, Yuki is preparing for bed when Zero comes in too. They have a small bicker again. (oh..so cute) Suddenly, Zero has a urge to suck blood and runs from Yuki. He closes the door on her and breathes heavily. It looks like Zero is afraid of hurting Yuki (is a little romance blooming already?..lolz)

After the incident with Yuki, Aido and poor Kain was punished, even though he does nothing but is still an offence since he did nothing to stop Aido. However, they are not upset about it. In fact, Aido says it is worth it for Yuki’s blood. When Kaname hears it, he slaps Aido. After receiving the slap, Aido becomes depressed.

That’s the end of this episode…Stay tuned next week for the next one…

FatedStarz Signing off...
...a upset Aido and his cool-headed cousin...(ooo...)

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