Saturday, April 5, 2008

Episode 17 - Implicate Order

Here's episode 17 of Ghost Hound. I am going to skip the scary voice part. The episode starts with Michio in his evolved normal form flying around when he spotted the old man that rarely appeared. But it seems that the old man was ignoring him, so he flew off.

Then the old man met with Takahito. They discussed about the spirits around the area and why they were frightened and about Miyako's conditions. It was revealed that the old man was called Saruta and was abandoned by his family.

There was a conversation with Masayuki and Taro, it seems that Makoto had still not returned. Furthermore, Taro suspected that Miyako was his sister's reincarnation.

At Miyako's side, all her schoolmates avoided and gossiped about her. (that must have hurt a lot) However, it's either Miyako was oblivious to them or was already numbed by the comment as she did not retaliate back except for whispering to herself.

At Masayuki and Taro's side, they each have flashbacks of the incidents happened yesterday. Masayuki was the incident of spotting his father and Reiko together and Taro was the incident with Makoto and his mother.

Then Taro had a dream in class about his sister but this time Hirata was around as well. When class ended, Taro saw Masayuki rejecting a girl's offer (seems like it to me) and just as he was about to talk with him, he saw Masayuki was sad so decided not to ask. Then, he started to run towards Miyako's house in hopes of talking to her but he only found Takahito. They started talking about Taro's suspicion of Miyako being his sister's reincarnation.

On Miyako's side, she met with her mother and went to the cafe to talk. The atmosphere was awkward and Miyako wanted to get out. When they finally parted, she threw her mother's gift into the river. Then she met Taro who suspected her being his sister reincarnation, when she heard of this she broke down and ran.

At the other town, Naoto had a talk with Makoto's mother. Makoto was hiding in a dark corner having a imaginary talk with his father saying he needs to snap out of it to be able to project to meet his father.

At Masayuki's side, he had a conversation about Makoto's disappearance and family background. (seems that there is some bad things lurking in there). Then in Dai Nippon Bio, Reika found herself being stalk by some invisible being. Who is it? Stay tune to the next episode to find out.
FatedStarz Signing off...
..a cool but scary pic of Masayuki..

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