Monday, June 2, 2008

Episode 9 - The Unforgivable Sin

Episode 9 of STL…

Determined to clear off any suspicion on Hatsumi, Mayuki went off to Barouque, the host club where Mukuno-sensei worked.

Unable to find any clues except for a special kind of tea, the Oriental Beauty, Mayuki and the gang return home. While enjoying Oriental Beauty, Mayuki’s powers activated and led him to the truth.

As what people always said, the truth is always painful. This time was also no exception. The culprit that killed Mukuno-sensei was Itsumi-sensei, Mayuki’s homeroom and music teacher.

Unable to deny the reasoning from Mayuki, Itsumi-sensei finally gave in. Just then, a beautiful melody spread across, it was the mysterious silver-haired woman again. This time she hypnotised Itsumi-sensei to kill Mayuki.

Luckily, Seiran came in time to stop her. Summoning Yuhi and Soka, the Sanae’s and Hatsumi’s look-alikes, they managed to defeat Itsumi-sensei easily.

Although everything was well in the end, Mayuki was sad and even cried. Why do all the people Mayuki cares about were slowly leaving him? Blame the evil villains!!! (I know that was lame…)

FatedStarz Signing off...
...look at Mayuki fawn over tea *faint*...

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