Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Episode 86 - Weak Person

Here we have DGM 86…

The fight with the Noah continues…

Allen had a hard time fighting with Tyki and he was slowly being overpowered. Still harboring fear of almost losing his Innocence to Tyki, Allen was hesitating with every move he made and was dealt a strong blow from Tyki.

Being underestimated by Tyki, Allen’s Innocence started healing itself. And Allen gained more strength as he started to lecture Tyki about Exorcists’ powers.

Annoyed by Allen’s speech, Tyki started getting serious and created a huge vacuum around Allen, causing him to have difficulty breathing and his body risked being ripped apart.

However, Allen did not give up, he continued to struggle against Tyki’s power as he pleaded with his Innocence to give him more power.

Incidentally, at the Black Order HQ, Hevlaska was glowing very brightly as she revealed a message: A Point Breaker had appeared. A person that had surpassed 100% synchronization with the Innocence. Was Allen the Point Breaker? Yes he is!!!

Able to attain critical point, Allen’s whole arm changed to a huge sword and Tyki was taken aback by Allen’s sudden increase in power.

Meanwhile, Lavi was still trapped in Road’s dream/illusion. Another side of him appeared in the dream. The other side who was just the heartless Bookman’s successor. He was then showed his worst nightmare: The death of his friends.

FatedStarz Signing off...
...Allen's new weapon!!!!...

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