Sunday, June 1, 2008

Episode 54 - Hustle in the Park! Gash vs Kiyomaro!?

Here is episode 54 of Gash Bell…

After reviving all the mamados from 1000 years ago. Lord was sending them, under the command of Byonko and Patie, to defeat all the remaining mamados.

Oblivious to all these, Gash and Kiyo had a fun time playing. They played can-keri with Mizuno and Umagon. After a few difficulties and more people joining in, they finally had a proper game of can-keri.

After having lunch, everybody returned back home, leaving Kiyo and Gash. They decided to build one gigantic sandcastle. Kiyo thought if that happiness would last forever.

Just as they finished the sandcastle, Patie destroyed it. She even brought over the ancient mamados to fight and burn Gash’s book.

FatedStarz Signing off...

...a hyperactive Gash results to a poor, battered up Kiyo...

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