Monday, June 16, 2008

Episode 4 - Trigger of Conviction

Here is VK 4…

Yuki was still in shock after Zero bit her. Kaname sensing the blood came to the scene and brought Yuki away to clean up her wound, leaving Zero to Chairman Cross. Kaname then left to calm down the excited Night Class who sensed the blood.

Yuki then realized that she spoke some awful things to Zero and regretted it. She overheard Kaname wanting Zero to transfer to the Night Class in case he hurt another person again.

Yuki wanted to prevent Zero’s transfer and went to the Moon Dormitory to negotiate with Kaname. However, she then met Aidou-senpai, who said some horrible things to her. Luckily, Kaname was there to stop him.

When Yuki revealed her motive, Kaname refused her request. It was also revealed that Yuki meant a lot to Kaname. What is their relationship anyway? (I know, but I’m not going to give out spoilers^^)

On her way back, Yuki felt that something was wrong and quickly ran up to check on Zero. She then discovered Zero pointing a gun to himself and immediately stopped him. However, Zero then asked Yuki to kill him with the gun, which she refused to do. Thus, leaving Zero no choice but to leave the academy.

Yuki, not wanting Zero to leave, hugged him from behind, preventing him from moving. She then said that everything was just going to be fine and asked Zero to stay. Oblivious to them, Kaname was watching from a window.

Around the end, it was showed that the Hunter Clan was very concerned with Zero’s condition. But Chairman Cross assured them that there were no problems from Zero. The Hunter Clan that warned that they had sent a hunter to keep a lookout on Zero.

FatedStarz Signing off...
...ahh!! He's so cute!!!...

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