Sunday, June 1, 2008

Episode 18 - Run, Yahiko: Get back the Reverse-Blade Sword Back!

Episode 18 of Kenshin…

Once again, the ugly villain from long time ago, Gohei Hiruma, came back to get revenge on Kenshin again. But this time he was more despicable, using Yahiko as bait, and hired the Onizaki brothers.

Yahiko was getting proud after defeating several opponents on his own. With his big ego, he challenged Gohei to a fight with Kenshin’s reverse-blade sword. However, Yahiko did not know that it was all a trap.

Kenshin heard that Gohei had kidnapped Yahiko and rushed to danger without his sword. He had a difficulty fighting the Onizaki brothers without any weapon.

Yahiko really regretted what he had done and was worried about Kenshin. He strained at his ropes, trying to free himself. After a few painful tries, it worked. He then quickly rushed to Kenshin.

Yahiko then gathered his strength and using the knowledge passed on to him by Kaoru, he defeated Gohei. Throwing the sword back to Kenshin, Kenshin defeated the brothers easily.

In the end, Kenshin forgave Yahiko. (isn’t he kind-hearted?)

FatedStarz Signing off...
...look at the "siblings" quarrel again...

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