Thursday, June 12, 2008

Episode 166 - Desperate Effort vs. Desperate Effort! The Hollowized Ichigo

Here we have Bleach 166…

After Ichigo was healed by Inoue, Grimmjow challenged him to a duel.

Facing a powerful opponent, Ichigo had no choice but to put on the hollow mask when Grimmjow revealed his true form. However, Inoue was afraid of the hollowfied Ichigo.

The fight continued and not far away, an Espada and her followers were watching the fight. It was stated that being afraid of an Espada’s Resurrection Form was natural.

Back to the fight, Ichigo was able to maintain his mask for a long time unlike before. However, he seems to be suffering more than Grimmjow. Although both were seriously injured, Grimmjow was able to overpower Ichigo just by a little. Slowly, Ichigo’s mask was breaking bit by bit too.

Nel was angry when Inoue was afraid of Ichigo. She started lecturing about how everybody was trying their best for Inoue, especially Ichigo. Inoue then realized that everybody was fighting for her. She then decided to cheer on Ichigo.

Hearing Inoue’s cheer for him, Ichigo was able to stop Grimmjow’s attack with one hand.

The fight continues in the next episode…

FatedStarz Signing off...
...her face looks fat when she cries *laugh*...

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