Sunday, June 1, 2008

Episode 15 – Assassination Group of Fire: Jinpuu Squad on the Run

Episode 15 of Kenshin…

There was a new assassin group in town called the, Jinpuu Squad. They specialize in killing high ranking officials that uses their power for greed. Although it was wrong to kill, most people supported them.

As the security of those greedy officials getting stronger, the Jinpuu Squad decided to recruit more members. Toma Sakaki had a person in mind: Heihachirou Sasaki.

Incidentally, Sano knows Sasaki and he was working as a teacher. When Toma offered the chance to join the squad to Sasaki, he refused.

Wanting Sasaki to join the squad, Toma threatened him through the students Sasaki were teaching. Left with no choice, Sasaki had to go back to his killing ways. However, Sano and Kenshin managed to stop him in time.

The fight between Kenshin and Toma was interrupted and it was not shown who was the more skillful one.

FatedStarz Signing off...

...don't they look like a family together?...

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