Friday, June 6, 2008

Episode 12 - Ooooh! Drama Date!!

I bring to you episode 12 of KR…

When the director chose Hiroto as the drama’s male lead, everyone was shocked, especially Kirari. She fainted after hearing about the kiss scene too.

Seeing how uncomfortable Kirari was, Hiroto suggested that he switched with Seiji. But Kirari disagreed and wanted to follow the director’s decision.

The first day of acting began. Hiroto was marvelous but Kirari was too unconfident. Thus the director decided to call it a day.

Feeling guilty, Kirari blurted out her problems to Seiji and Hiroto. It seems that she could not understand love thus she couldn’t get into the character of Airi. Seiji then suggested that the three of them go on a date.

However, the three-people date became a normal date when Seiji wandered off to find a wife for his turtle.

Kirari was awkward being together with Hiroto. But she slowly opened up to him. She realized that Hiroto was actually very kind and gentle to her. When she accidentally bumped into a loving young couple, she discovered how to get into Airi’s character.

The second day came and Kirari was confident she would do it right. But she stumbled in the middle of the scene. Improvising, she managed to cover up her mistake. Everyone congratulated her for her good acting.

FatedStarz Signing off...
...that is one cute bunch of octopus...

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