Sunday, May 11, 2008

Episode 11 - What! I'm the Heroine!?

Here’s episode 11 of Kirarin Revolution titled, What! I'm the Heroine!?

In this episode, Kirari has been chosen to act as a lead actress in a drama created by a very famous producer, Takada Pianu. However in the drama, Kirari has to kiss the lead actor. This shocked Kirari as she never kiss or even date anyone before. Thus, she hesitated whether to take on the role of the lead actress. Luckily, Hiroto managed to guide her to her decision and Kirari decided to do it. (haiz…how I wish the two will fall in love..^^)

Unfortunately, another problem popped out. Who is going to be the lead actor? There are three candidates Hiroto, Seiji and Arashi. (yup, Arashi is here too…) The obsessed Arashi is determined to win Kirari’s first kiss and use all sorts of cheap methods to get it. He even hynoptise the producer and change the script. (seriously, Arashi’s script…it sucks…) Luckily, Nayan manages to stop Arashi from doing any further damage.

When the producer snaps out of its trance, he announces who is going to be the lead actor (drum roll pls………)
and it is Hiroto-kun (yay!!! *highlight to see the name...^^)

FatedStarz Signing off...
...Kirari finally went bonkers...

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