Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Episode 21 - Bye Bye Butterfree

I bring to you episode 21 of Pokemon…

Today, we get to see the Butterfree mating season. Ash urged his own Butterfree to go find a mate of its own. When Ash’s Butterfree found a pink Butterfree that it liked, it tried to court her. However, the pink Butterfree rejected all the advances, leaving Ash’s Butterfree heartbroken.

Just then, the hateful Team Rocket decided to catch all the Butterfrees, destroying their mating season. When the pink Butterfree got captured too, Ash’s Butterfree used all its might to try and stop Team Rocket.

The pink Butterfree was touched by Ash’s Butterfree bravery and decided to return its feelings. However, in order to carry on to make babies, Ash’s Butterfree got to leave.

Therefore, Ash and his Butterfree says goodbye to each other. (aw…that is like so sad..Ash even cried!!!)

FatedStarz Signing off...
...can you spot Ash's tears? ^^...

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