Monday, May 19, 2008

Episode 17 - Island of the Giant Pokemon

I bring to you Episode 17 of Pokemon...

After being swept off by the cyclone, Ash and his friends got washed ashore onto a island. However Pikachu, Bulbusaur, Charmander and Squirtle were missing. Team Rocket also arrived at the island to find Meowth and their Pokemon missing too. All the lost Pokemon met up and were somewhere in the island.

To make things worse, the humans and their Pokemon found themselves chased by gigantic Pokemons?

They then realised that those giant Pokemon were just robots. The island they were actually on is called Pokemon Land and was owned by the Team Rocket's boss. Unfortunately, the land was thoroughly destroyed. (it is ironic that the Team Rocket themselves accidentally destroyed that island....)

FatedStarz Signing off...

...a food stand in the middle of a forest tend by a Pokemon??!!...

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