Friday, May 30, 2008

Episode 14 - Save a Small Life: The Challenge of the Beautiful Doctor, Megumi

Episode 14 of Kenshin…

This episode features the life Megumi now live. She helped Gensai-sensei heals her patients and earn lots of people respect. Especially the time when she sewed up all the wounds of a man, she earned Sano’s thanks. However, some people still doubt her ability.

A fake doctor and the Hishimanji teamed up to cheat the people out of money. They spread the rumors of Megumi being a fake and charged high amount of money for their “holy water”.

When Megumi saw they took a girl with bad health condition, she could not take it anymore and wanted to stop them.

When she revealed the truth of the Hishimanji and tha fake doctor, the Hishimanji, out of desperation, wanted to kill them all.

Luckily Sanosuke and Yahiko were there to stop them. The remaining Hishimanji then took out their wooden canon and started firing it. Kenshin then stopped them easily.

In the end, the people started trusting Megumi and her abilities.

FatedStarz Signing off...

...don't they look cute? Well not as a pair but as individuals (pair?..*think dirty thoughts* haha)

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