Friday, May 30, 2008

Episode 10 - Aoshi: Someone so Beautiful it’s Frightening

Episode 10 of Kenshin…

(I will refer Kenshin, Sano, Kaoru and Yahiko as the group for easy reference…)

The group infiltrated Kanryu mansion, blasting his guards easily away. Megumi also tried to kill Kanryu but failed and was taken away to the observatory by Aoshi.

Once in the mansion, Kenshin faced Hannya. With his kempo and Shin-wan techniques, Hannya was not an easy opponent. However, Kenshin defeated him easily after discovering Hannya’s trick.

Letting Kaoru and Yahiko to defeat the rest of the small fries, Kenshin and Sano rushed up to faced Aoshi. Aoshi was not any opponent that anyone could defeat. He even dealt serious blows to Kenshin. How would Kenshin defeat Aoshi and saved Megumi? Watch the next episode…

FatedStarz Signing off...
...the " Sano throw Yahiko to hit opponent" Super Special Attack!!...

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