Thursday, April 10, 2008

Episode 19 - Negentropy

Once again, I present to you another episode of Ghost hound. This time is episode 19 – Negentropy. Great, the anime is comfusinf enough…now I don’t even understand the title. (*sobz*) Never mind, as this episode will clear up most of the mysteries and I emphasize on the most!!

We find ourselves in the image of a hazy memory of Sanae showing the old hospital. In the reality, the firemen were trying their best to put out Naoto’s burning house. One of them was restraining Makoto from going in but failed. Makoto dashed through the house looking for his mother. (and I thought u didn’t care for her…what’s wrong with boys and their feelings..) He spotted her fallen on the ground, with slit wrists and a bottle of pills. (if u don’t know what she have done…i will be speechless…) I don’t what happen inside, but we saw Makoto carrying his mother out of the house in the next scene.

Just when I thought the excitement was over, here comes Masayuki and Taro!!…plus Reika. Somehow, in order to avoid them, he ran out. (I wonder how high is his stamina?) Seems that he just don’t want to let anyone see he was crying.

Next, we see Reika talking to Hirata on a phone about the fire at Naoto’s house. Some extra info was that Takahito was also taken to the same hospital. Just when she past the bus with Masayuki and Taro on, Masayuki smiled and blushed at the sight of her. (No!!!! Masayuki!!! You can’t possibly like her!!! *broken heart*)

On the bus, Taro and Masayuki talked about the recent events, especially on the kidnap of Taro and his sister. Next, we find ourselves in the hospital with Masayuki and Taro asking to see Takahito, however they were prohibited to do so. Then, they met Reika who dragged them off to discuss about Takahito’s and Sanae’s cases. What they did not realized was Makoto was there too.

Next, Sanae finally woke up from her coma and mistaken Makoto for his father. Seems like she lost some memories after her teenage years. After they cleared the understanding, they started to chat or I guess it was a one-sided chat with some responses from Makoto. Halfway through, he freaked out and ran off.

After the small break, we are back with Taro and Masayuki. They spotted Miyako and her mother. It was a little freaky for Miyako to be smiling like she was glad that her father fell down the stairs. Masayuki seeing Taro’s sad face, urged him to chase after Miyako to be able to protect her from whoever was going to hurt her.

At Makoto’s side, we see him digging through the debris of Naoto’s house when Kei dropped by and chat with him. She showed more love for Naoto this time, with even tears coming out. (too bad.. since he is already gone..i think..)

Then, we see protective Taro standing outside the room Miyako is in. (I’m still freak out by her smile, something sinister is going on here)

Next, we see Makoto lying on a boat when Masayuki spotted him. They had a small talk with Masayuki saying that friends should care about each other before running off. Looks like Makoto was a little touched by his words.

Maybe a little encourage from Masayuki, Makoto went back to the hospital but still did not have the will to see his mother. However, he saw Taro and talked for while. (this chapter got lots of pair chats or talks isn’t it…) Then Taro started crying (oh that is so cute…lolz)

After the talk with Taro, Makoto finally had the strength to face his mother and called her ‘Mom’ (that’s like so cute and touching!!) Somehow they ended up crying together but they finally opened up to each other!!!

That’s the end of this episode, so looking forward to the next one.

FatedStarz signing off...
...Masayuki blushing (*sparkles*)...

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