Saturday, March 29, 2008

Episode 11

Here’s another episode of Pokemon…To sum it up, its about Ash meeting a charmander which was abandoned by its trainer (that stupid guy!!!!) during their journey to vermillion city. Of course they were once again lost…The gang saved charmander during a heavy rain and brought it to the center for nurse joy to nurse it backed to health to find that the charmander went back to find its mean trainer (sobz…). Therefore, the gang went on their journey to find themselves falling into team rocket’s trap!!! Seems that team rocket racked their brain to build a complicated machine and just as I was about to compliment them…I realized that machine was just to dig holes…(arghh…) luckily, charmander went to save them, fired at his own owner, in the end becoming part of Ash’s group of pokemon. (yay!!!)

FatedStarz Signing off...

..A cute pic of Charmander^^..

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