Saturday, April 5, 2008

Episode 25 - Kendo and the Thing That Kendo Brought

Ok we start off with Tamaki praying to her mother. (what a filial child!!!!) It seems that she finally regain her confidence in Kendo. (yay!!!)

The girls are finally going to another competition, this time the team are so much more united. As usual, our klutzy teacher forgot the directions to the place where the competition is held. Luckily, Yuji(he is as handsome as always...*sigh*) spotted the bus going to the competition.

In the cramped bus(shows how big the competition is...), Tamaki accidentally grab hold on Yuji when the bus jerk(get off Yuji!!!!..but they are so cute together... *sobz*). Yuji realised Tamaki was stressed out, whci is pretty rare. On the other side, Miyako grab hold of Dan-kun's head(I still can't accept the fact they are lovers..),worse off when she saw Carrie, she started squeezing Dan-kun.(*lmao*)

When they reached the competiton area, Ishida-sensei had a flashback about the time he was in this competition defeating his senior. Somehow, he looked very forlorn. When the team went to register, Ishida-sensei met up with his senior and they talked about the past.

At the registration area, the girls encourage each other to reach the end so they can face off with each other. Then Miya-miya saw Carrie and went off to find her, they had a small whispered quarrel.

When the competition started, unlucky Azuma got Tamaki as her first opponent.(I do not need to say anything, you guys should know who won..) At the other side, Miyako faced Carrie, after a serie of attacks, she caught Carrie off-guard and got a point.(guess all the work spent beforehand paid off..^^) Finally, Miyako won her first match.

By now, Sayako and Kirino won till their fourth match and was eliminated, Azuma is her first match (poor her..), Miyako lost in her second match and Tamaki is the only one left.(no surprises here..^^)

In the boy's match, Dan-kun faced off Yuji. Looks like Dan-kun improved a lot as Yuji had a hard time defeating him, he even scored a point against Yuji. After the close fight, Yuji still won.

Outside the competition, Miyako fought with Carrie again, this time Carrie will be using two shinai. Even though, Miyako was at a disadvantage, eventually she won againt Carrie.

Finally the time for Tamaki to faced her one true opponent had come. Her name is Suzuki Rin. They started off strong, each countering each other's attacks and Tamaki scored the first point but Rin eventually caught up. During the last attack, Rin used her Jodan, in order to counter Tamaki used Chudan and defeated Rin. Therefore, they each won a fight.

In the end, Ishida-sensei said something wierd to his senior and left(I wonder if something bad is gonna happen...). When Kirino ran out, he was already gone. Next, we were showed a empty house (Ishida-sensei's ??) and Ishida-sensei walked out of it, meeting his friend and talked about a new job. The episode ends like this. (What's is the new job? Is Ishida-sensei going to leave? Please dun leave, I can take back all my nasty words!!!!!!)
FatedStarz Signing off..
..a pic of the girls in Kendo form..

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