Sunday, April 6, 2008

Episode 18 - Holographic Paradigm

We start off with Takahito and Hirata discussing about Miyako's condition and we have Suzuki staring at Reika's breast on a computer screen.(seriously..i think this guy has problems...) Suddenly a woman barge in saying she saw a ghost, but her husband did not believe her. Suzuki took this moment to ask for the check, calming the woman down. He went outside and saw the ghost.

At the next moment, Suzuki met Reika and asked her about the dead foreigner/spy that was working in Dai Nippon Bio, but Reika did not reveal any information.

At Taro's, Makoto's and Masayuki side, they were feeling guilty over the actions they done to the respective females. (you should know who they are... and i dun really think Masayuki was guilty..oh well whatever...) Then Masayuki ran out of the house, while Reika drove past him and remember the incident with him.

At Kumada, Kei found Makoto sleeping in the store and gave him some food, which he rejected thinking his mother made it. Then at his mother's side, she had a wierd conversation with Naoto about dying few years back and becoming a ghost.

Suzuki had a chat with his boss about the reasons behind the missing children and why Taro's case was so unique.

At school, Miyako got trick by her friend to have a talk with the assistant for Himeko who have the same powers as Miyako when she was young. At Kumada, Naoto asked Kei for one more favor and it seems that Kei had a crush on Naoto (further evidence at the later part of the episode). At the shrine, Takahito was talking to Hirata about Saniwa. Unfortunately, Takahito got pushed off the stairs and blackout not before a flash of Miyako went through his mind. (does this hint something..?)

Next, we find Taro having O.B.E, this time meeting Snark again in Snark's world. After that they talked about complicated stuff which i have no idea how to explain.(*sobz*) At Makoto's side, he was being given a letter explaining the reasons behind Taro's kidnapping. Shockingly, it seems that Makoto was supposed to be the one that was going to be brought away, but the Ogami's family requested the Workers to take the main family's children, saying they are more valuable.(mainly because you hate the main house...) After reading, Makoto rushed out to find the house his mother was living in burning. He dashed towards the scene and fought with the firemen to get inside to save his mother.(seems that he is quite a filial child..)

At Suiten, Masayuki woke Taro out of his trance and forced him to go to Kumada with him as they were afraid the Workers would be there to catch Makoto. On the way, Masayuki filled in Taro the reason behind his kidnapping.

That's the end. Stay tune for the next episode.
FatedStarz Signing off...
..ghost hound boys and big fat worm..(*lmao)

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